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how to rotate shapes in powerpoint

How to rotate shapes in PowerPoint? Hidden shortcut in PowerPoint


How to rotate shapes in PowerPoint? It seems easy.


And yes, it is simple. But there are some cool features and shortcuts you did not know.


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Alright, let’s get into it.

Let’s creaty any shape in PowerPoint. I inserted just a squre.

how to rotate shapes in powerpoint

So as you can see 9 dots pop up. With them we can modify the size of our shape. So as you can guess this arrow on the top will let us rotate the shape. That’s simple so far. Just press left mouse click and rotate the shape.


Rotating shapes using SHIFT Key

That’s really helpful. Just use SHIFT Key while you are rotating shapes and then your shape will be rotated 15,30,45,60 and so on degrees.


Hidden shortcuts related to rotating shapes in PowerPoint

In PowerPoint you will find dozens of shortcuts. Some of them are kinda hidden, some of them are more available. I will be recording new videos and writing new Articles about shortcuts in PowerPoint so stay tuned.

Alright, let’s get to the first shortcut


How to rotate objects in PowerPoint? – hidden shortcut #1

Alt + Left/Right Arrow Key – It let you rotate shapes by 15 degrees


How to rotate objects in PowerPoint? – hidden shortcut #2

Alt + Shift + Left/Right Arrow Key – It let you rotate shapes by 1 degree. So it’s an amazing shortcut if you need to be really precise


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