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merge shapes in powerpoint

How to merge shapes in PowerPoint? Awesome shapes made in PowerPoint


Hi in this article I will teach you how to merge shapes in PowerPoint. You need to know it because it let you create awesome and creative shapes in PowerPoint. As usual, if you are visual, you can watch a tutorial about merging shapes in PowerPoint.

Alright, so where you can find Merge Shapes feature? You need to select at least 2 objects, then go to the Shape Format tab and on the left side, you will find Merge Shapes feature. Below I attach a screenshot that may help you.

merge shapes in powerpoint


Alright, so what does it do? What does Merge Shapes do? This is a really easy but really useful feature. You have some option to choose: Union, Combine, Fragment, Intersect, Subtract. With this feature, you can create a new shape from some shapes. It’ll a little bit difficult to explain it to you, I think it’ll be the best for you if you watch the tutorial that I created about it. So click here.

But I’ll try. So let’s get to it.



Select at least two objects (shapes), then Union, you will connect/join these shapes, so instead of 2 shapes, there will be 1 shape finally.



Select at least two objects (shapes), then Combine, you will receive one shape finally, but with cut out mutual area of those 2 shapes.



Select at least two objects (shapes), then Fragment, you will receive a lot of shapes. It’s hard to explain be writing.



Select at least two objects (shapes), then Intersect, you will receive 1 shape. It’s difficult to explain.



Select at least two objects (shapes), then Subtract, you will receive 1 shape, but it is also quite difficult to explain it to you by writing. So please watch the tutorial.


Important things

There are some important things about merging shapes that you need to know. If you hover your mouse over some of those options (Union, Combine, Fragment, Intersect and Subtract) you will see a preview of the effect that you are about to make. It’s really useful.

It’s important which shape you select as a first. It can absolutely change the final effect.


I think now, you know how to merge shapes in PowerPoint. If you are using some of the older versions of PowerPoint, I’m not sure if this feature is available for you.

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