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how to add transitions in powerpoint

How to add creative TRANSITION to PowerPoint Presentation


Hi! In this Article I will teach you how to add, modify and edit transitions in PowerPoint.

As always you can watch a recorded video about this topic by clicking right here.

Alright, let’s get started.


What is a transition in PowerPoint?

Transition in PowerPoint is just an animation between slides.


Where can i add and modify transition in PowerPoint?

You need at least two slides(because you want to create transition between these 2 slides). When you have some slides, go to the Transitions Section on ribbon. Below I inserted a screen shot that may help you.

how to add transitions in powerpoint

Alright so as you can see, there are some ready Transitions. What if you want to see more of them? That’s easy, just click this dropdown arrow on right side. More transitions will pop up.

how to add transitions in powerpoint



Alright so you can choose transition that you like. Of course after you select one, there will be a preview of that effect. If you would like to preview that effect sooner, just click Preview button on left side.


How to modify transition in PowerPoint?

There are a lot of transitions in PowerPoint. Majority of them you can modify, let’s say I picked Cover transition. On right side, please click Effect Options.

how to add transitions in powerpoint

As you can see in Cover transition, we can change direction of this transition, for instance From Right or From Bottom-Right.
So play around with it and modify as you wish.



Which transitions should I use?

There are lots of transitions, some of them are stunning, some of them awful. What can I recommend you? It depands on your style. But some of Transitions that always matches: Fade, Push, Cover, Uncover.


Which transitions should not I use?

I really do not recommend Dissolve, Honeycomb,Checkerboards. They look awful

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