Hi, in this Article I will teach you how to use Eyedropper tool in PowerPoint. You MUST know about it because it is extremely useful feature. As always you can watch video about this Article – just click right here.
Where can i find Eyedropper tool in PowerPoint?
You have to select some object, for example a rectangle. Then, go to the Shape Format and there you will find Shape Fill and Shape Outline. So if you want to change colour of the fill – click Shape Fill. Then a new window pop up and in this window you can change a colour from your theme, standard colours, recent colours but you will also find there Eyedropper. So click on it.
Now instead of your cursor, you will see eyedropper icon and also a preview of colur that you are about to pick. So hover over some object with a colour and just click on it. A new colour should be applied.
But there is a secret feature of Eyedropper in PowerPoint
Not only you can pick colours that are on your slide. You can also pick colours that are even besides the PowerPoint program. You just need to be pressing your left mouse click during the whole process of picking a colour. That’s it!
You can even pick colours from a website natively in PowerPoint
Just divide your whole screen to 2 programs, the first PowerPoint, the second your web browser. Make sure that the website is opened on your web browser. Now identical like before, you have to just keep pressing your left mouse click during the whole process of picking up a colour.
Eyedropper tool is an AMAZING and really helpful feature in PowerPoint.